Mixer Rack Case

NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack

NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack
NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack
NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack
NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack
NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack
NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack
NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack
NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack

NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack
Brand new, unused, with tags. Organize all your gear in one brilliantly designed, extremely durable gig bag.

This gear bag is a gigging musician's dream with plenty of pockets to keep music equipment organized and safe. Spacious 20" width, 14" height, and 9 depth provides plenty of room for all your music gear. One interior zippered pocket features Velcro loops for cables and such on one side and mesh pockets on the other to hold extra strings, picks, and other miscellaneous pieces. The gear bag's other interior zippered section includes 4 nylon-covered microphone pockets with Velcro closures, 4 mesh pockets to hold effects pedals or other miscellaneous accessories, and a big mesh section to hold other necessities.

An exterior pocket on the front flap is great for holding music. Not only is this bag fully functional, its durability can't be beaten, thanks to features like rugged nylon construction, a triple-reinforced handle, sturdy metal buckles, heavy-duty zippers, and a ridged rubber bottom that will hold up to abuse on the road.

Plus you can carry your music equipment any way you prefer using the handle, the detachable padded shoulder strap, or the backpack straps, which tuck away into the back when not in use. Velcro loops for cables and such.

4 nylon-covered microphone pockets with Velcro closures. Front pocket with Velcro closures. Exterior pocket on the front flap. Backpack straps tuck away when not in use. The ultimate gear bag--you'll wonder how you ever lived without it!

" data-truncate-truncated-text=" This gear bag is a gigging musician's dream with plenty of pockets to keep music equipment organized and safe. Spacious 20" width, 14" height, and 9 depth provides plenty of room for all your music. " style="box-sizing: inherit; --pr-translate-x: 0; --pr-translate-y: 0; --pr-rotate: 0; --pr-skew-x: 0; --pr-skew-y: 0; --pr-scale-x: 1; --pr-scale-y: 1; --pr-pan-x: ; --pr-pan-y: ; --pr-pinch-zoom: ; --pr-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --pr-ordinal: ; --pr-slashed-zero: ; --pr-numeric-figure: ; --pr-numeric-spacing: ; --pr-numeric-fraction: ; --pr-ring-inset: ; --pr-ring-offset-width: 0px; --pr-ring-offset-color: #fff; --pr-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246.5); --pr-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --pr-ring-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --pr-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --pr-shadow-colored: 0 0 transparent; --pr-blur: ; --pr-brightness: ; --pr-contrast: ; --pr-grayscale: ; --pr-hue-rotate: ; --pr-invert: ; --pr-saturate: ; --pr-sepia: ; --pr-drop-shadow: ; --pr-backdrop-blur: ; --pr-backdrop-brightness: ; --pr-backdrop-contrast: ; --pr-backdrop-grayscale: ; --pr-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --pr-backdrop-invert: ; --pr-backdrop-opacity: ; --pr-backdrop-saturate: ; --pr-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 14px; padding: 0px; font-size: 16px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: Roboto, arial, sans-serif;>.
NWT Musician's Gear Professional Music Gear Bag Heavy Duty Gig Backpack